Practical Packaging Solutions is a reputable source of high-quality, state-of-the-art shrink wrapping machines from leading manufacturers. These can seamlessly integrate with your existing operations, streamlining your packaging process and adding value to the product. With our help, we can find the best shrink packaging system to meet your specifications and improve your bottom line.
What is a Shrink Packaging System?
Shrink packaging systems can range from table-top manual machines, to semi automatic machines and finally to high speed fully automatic machines.
There are two types of shrink wrap packaging. The first is shrink bundling. This uses a polyethylene shrink film and the product will be wrapped in a sleeve of shrink film leaving the two sides of the product open producing "Bulls Eyes". The second style of shrink packaging is referred to as overwrapping. This type of shrink packaging typically uses polyolefin shrink film and the product wrapped is completely captured in shrink film.
Benefits of shrink wrapping machines:
High levels of protection: The extremely tight enclosure of shrink-wrapping safeguards the product from external elements, such as dust, moisture, and dirt.
The irrefutable benefits of shrink-wrapping guarantee the protection of products. The right shrink packaging system can cater to your strict packaging requirement, eliminating costly damages to your goods during storage and transportation.
Typical Applications of Shrink Wrapping Machines
Many industries choose shrink-wrapping for their products to improve its defense capabilities against different external sources that can affect its quality, especially during long transportation. Here are some common applications for shrink wrapping machines:
Food Industry: Shrink packaging is generally used in the food industry for packaging meat, dairy products, snacks, and more. A horizontal flow wrapper is also employed in these applications to create a tight seal on both ends.
Find the Best Shrink Wrapping Machines for Your Business
Practical Packaging Solutions offers a broad range of shrink bundling machines in various configurations to add value to your products before they reach the consumer. As experts, we can guide you as you look for the best-suited option for your unique operations.
Ready to kickstart your packaging process? Contact us now, and let's discuss how we can drive success for your business using these cutting-edge machines. You may also request a quote, and we can find a cost-effective solution based on your requirements!